About Institute ->
Main Missions and Functions
- Ensuring jointly with Regional Antiplague Establishments and State Sanitary Epidemiological Surveillance (Gossanepidnadzor) Centers the protection against epidemics of quarantine (plague, cholera), especially dangerous (tularemia, brucellosis, anthrax) and natural focal (arbovirus infections, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis, intestinal yersiniosis) diseases in Siberia and Far Eastern Territory of Russian Federation;
- Definition and development of priority researches on problems of sanitary protection of terri-tories, natural focality, epidemiology, microbiology, diagnostics, genetics, immunology, prophylaxis and treatment of quarantine and especially dangerous infections;
- Development and production of medical immunobiological preparations and nutrient media for prophylaxis and diagnostics of quarantine and especially dangerous infections, improvement of the production technology, preparing of specifications and technical documentation for the preparations;
- Advisory methodical and practical assistance to the Gossanepidnadzor Centers, Establishments at Siberia and Far East to prevent importation and distribution of quarantine, especially dangerous and other infectious diseases subjected to International Medical Sanitary Rules.
- Guarantee of constant operation ability of specialized anti-epidemic brigades (SAEB). Participation in realization of anti-epidemic measures at occurrence of especially dangerous, other infectious diseases and liquidation of extreme situation consequences;
- Development and expert estimation of methodical instructions, recommendations, participation in preparing of some Gossanepidnadzor Centers’ Commands;
- Selection and maintenance of infectious agent collection necessary for scientific, educational and production purposes. Providing of Antiplague Stations and other Establishments with the causative agent strains according to working specifications;
- Specialization, improvement, other kinds of doctors’ and biologists’ training on microbiology, epidemiology, prophylaxis of especially dangerous infections and operating in extreme situations;
- Training of high skilled specialists by postgraduate, doctoral studies and by competition. Primary examination of Dissertation Works represented to Specialized Councils;
- Organization of Scientific Conferences and Symposiums, publication of these materials, monographies, educational, methodical manuals. Participation in work of Congresses, Conferences, Symposiums spent by other Establishments;
- Conclusion of direct association agreements with home and foreign Organizations (Establishments) in the field of scientific researches, production of medical immunobiological and medical preparations, nutrient media and a professional training;
- Organization of the Institute regime commission work in conditions of daily readiness and at extreme situations: rendering of the methodical assistance to the regime commissions of Regional Antiplague Stations;
- Forming of direct communications with State, Cooperative and other Enterprises and Organizations on economic, scientific, technical, financial and other cooperations;
- Realization of tasks of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- Accomplishment of other, not contradicting to laws of the Russian Federation, obligations under contracts with customers.